Back to the Xmas trip......
We started the
day camped under a palm tree by a dune, what we had assumed - the previous night - was "the middle of nowhere". In the morning our every move was observed by 5 kids and an old chap, who were quite keen on selling us something - but even more interested in not missing a single move we made. Initially I found this rather uncomfortable (largely because I wanted the loo), but once we had decided to engage it was really quite fun - especially when we turned the tables on them and subjected then to our version of the tea ceremony. They weren't too impressed and required about half a mug of sugar to make it palatable!
We eventually got underway and headed into the dunes on a bearing - found the fi
rst waypoint and relaxed a bit. This was our first experience of driving in the dunes and the light was terrible - really flat - so it was difficult to see where the holes were, which resulted in us ending up in a couple of precarious positions. But a bit of digging and some advice from the locals and we were soon back on the flat lands between the dunes drinking coffee and comparing landrovers.
We filled up the tank and the jerry cans and headed away from Mersouga and civilisation following a route from BD. There was no sign of tracks or villages on the map - but the GPS seemed to know where it was going as we headed further and further off the beaten track. About 4.30 we spotted a rather nice looking dune which looked as if it would offer some shelter and pullled over for the night. It would have been a nice early stop, apart from the fact that the vehicle check revealed a dodgy wheel bearing! Time to put Jim's pre-trip lesson into practice with some desert maintenance. So Fruit's first wheel bearing change was done miles from anywhere, in the sand and in the dark. Quite an eventful day.
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